Beatstream is your own music streaming service.

Beatstream is a free, self-hosted, web-based media server for listening to music from your computer using a web browser. You only need to install Beatstream on your computer and set up the access to it. Beatstream is known to run & sometimes actually play music on Google Chrome, Firefox, iPad and iPhone.

(demo offline temporarily)

P.S. To take full use of Beatstream, you should have a computer running Beatstream 24/7.


Installation #

Beatstream currently runs on Ruby on Rails and its installation is a lengthy and difficult process. We are working on making it better, but that won't happen until Beatstream itself is running better. Nevertheless, if you are a bad enough dude, here it is:

Reveal the secrets

Install Ruby via RubyInstaller. Remember to check the "Add Ruby executables to your PATH" checkbox while installing.

Then install Bundler:

gem install bundler

After that, clone Beatsream using Git:

git clone --recursive git://

Set-up Beatstream by doing this stuff in command prompt (cmd):

cd Beatstream
bundle install
rake db:migrate
copy config/initializers/music_paths.rb.sample config/initializers/music_paths.rb
notepad config/initializers/music_paths.rb
-> Change 'music_path'
bundle exec rails console
-> User.create(:username => 'your_name', :email => '[email protected]', :password => 'asdf', :password_confirmation => 'asdf')
-> exit
bundle exec rails server -d

First, you need to have Git, Ruby (1.8.7 or newer), RubyGems and sqlite3 development headers installed. All of these can be installed by installing Xcode and the command-line tools.

Then install Bundler:

$ sudo gem install bundler

When you're set, clone Beatsream using Git:

$ git clone --recursive git://

Set-up Beatstream by doing this stuff in terminal:

$ cd Beatstream
$ bundle install
$ rake db:migrate
$ cp config/initializers/music_paths.rb.sample config/initializers/music_paths.rb
$ nano config/initializers/music_paths.rb
-> Change 'music_path'
$ bundle exec rails console
-> User.create(:username => 'your_name', :email => '[email protected]', :password => 'asdf', :password_confirmation => 'asdf')
-> exit
$ bundle exec rails server -d

Install Git, Ruby (1.8.7 or newer), RubyGems, libsqlite3-dev and Bundler:

$ sudo apt-get install git ruby1.8-full rubygems libsqlite3-dev
$ sudo gem install bundler

When you're set, clone Beatsream using Git:

$ git clone --recursive git://

Set-up Beatstream by doing this stuff in terminal:

$ cd Beatstream
$ bundle install
$ rake db:migrate
$ cp config/initializers/music_paths.rb.sample config/initializers/music_paths.rb
$ nano config/initializers/music_paths.rb
-> Change 'music_path'
$ bundle exec rails console
-> User.create(:username => 'your_name', :email => '[email protected]', :password => 'asdf', :password_confirmation => 'asdf')
-> exit
$ bundle exec rails server -d

You have been warned! ;)

Current quirks #

Future plans

Beatstream is a work in progress and currently in alpha. Here's the current roadmap for Beatstream:

You can check the status of the project at Github.


Copyright © 2012-2013 Antti-Jussi Kovalainen

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software with only one restriction: selling of the Software, or software and associated documentation files derived from it (the "Derived software"), is only permitted with the permission of the copyright owner.